I finished my first quilt top on June 09, 2009. I learned a lot lessons and techniques. In my quilting group the comment, made by a woman in our Stake, was quoted, "If your top looks goods to people driving past it in their car then it is beautiful." Well my top may only look good from a moving vehicle but I still love it and I love the fabrics. I am still working on my block of the month quilt with my group and I love the time I spend with them, their friendship and talent. It has been a really rewarding experience for me. Now I am starting the ever favorite black, red, and white quilt top that so many before have done. It is called Virtue of Neccessity by Remember When Designs. I am secretly making if for someone, I hope she likes it!
1 month ago
J.R.'s quilt should be done next week. You'll have to see how it looks and see if you want me to bring yours down or not.
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