I received my fall semester grades and I am very happy with them. I received three A's and one A-. Not bad for an old gal with her first semester at the U of U. I was so happy to receive the A- in political analysis because I was anticipating my first B since I returned back to school. I am both relieved and disappointed because I thought if I finally received a B I would quit getting so stressed but now I will continue to try and get all A's. We will see how that goal goes, but if a B does come I now know that it is not the end of world. I can handle it. But everyone who knows me knows that I will work my hardest to do my best in all my classes. I am an overachiever and I know it, I even had a professor call me that. I just laugh because it is too true. I love school.
10 Things I Love About You...Amy!
1. I love that we can call you midge and you don't care.
2. I love that you are such a happy, joking girl.
3. I love that fit into our family so well, without the crudeness that can be exhibited by other females in the family who will remain nameless.
4. I love that we have the same education goals although you have completed yours.
5. I love that when I have question about school I can talk to you about it.
6. I love spending Sunday nights with you.
7. I love the "barf" you make. It is a desert people, so don't get sicked out.
8. I love how kind you are towards other people and always have nice things to say.
9. I love how you take such good care of my most treasured son.
10. I love that really good things truly do come in small packages!
I know Whitney and Josie can be so crude. They seriously have no manners.
I know, right?
Yeah, dang that Whitney, she is such a _________(anatomical feature) face.
Thanks Jackie. I love you too!
Hi Jackie! This is Ashley, James' wife. Just wanted to say hi! Love the blog! :)
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