Last Thursday (September 11) Whitney and I went to the Grand Opening of the Noodles and Company in South Jordan. This is one of Whits and my favorites spots to eat. So why blog about it, you ask? Well, my lunch dates with Whit are one of my favorite memories that I will cherish. Last year Whit would come to Salt Lake every Thursday for her research job at LDS Hospital. Before she would go to work, she and I would go to lunch. It was a great time just to spend with each other and become great friends. We would also have an occasional visitor come with us. Scott would come when his schedule allowed. Grandma Orgill, Shauntel and the kids, Brad and Amy, and Addison (my nephew) were also on the guests list. She is now trying to work out her schedule so that we can lunch together again this year. I hope she does it. I sure do love my kids, they truly are a joy in my life.
1 month ago
I am going to do it! Those are good times. I'm sorry I had to miss our date this week though! It seems like everyone close to me caught my illness, so I thought I best stay away. Kisses!
we need an update dang it!
Hi Jackie! Glad to hear from you! Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I haven't been much a of a blogger lately. Isn;t this great though! We can still keep in touch and know what you guys are up to since we hardly ever see you. I have been keeping up with Shauntel, which by the way she is such a funny girl! My Mom and I love reading her blog and seeing her cute little ones. My Mom isn't a blogger but rather a blog just a blog stalker! Anyway, I will check back again to see what you guys are up to.
By the way... Cute blog!
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