Friday, August 22, 2008, was decorating day. Whitney is moving into a new apartment and she wanted to make it more homey so Shauntel, Whitney and I went shopping for some accessories to spruce up the apartment. Josie was an angel and babysat the kids while we were shopping so that made it much easier. When we finished shopping, it was time to go pick up the kids and head for Provo to decorate the apartment. We spent a couple of hours decorating and arranging the apartment. By this time it was 5:00 in the afternoon and we were hungry. We went to the Brick Oven Restraunt in Provo. It is a great Italian place with great pizza and pasta. It has been around forever. In fact, I worked at the now closed West Valley Brick Oven while I was in high school. That gives you an idea how long it has been around. We had a great day and a great dinner. After dinner it was time to say goodbye to Shauntel and the kids, they needed to go home. Ryan misses them when they come but I am so grateful for his patience and understanding when he lets them come and visit. We love them all so much and I get really grandma sick when I don't get to see my babies. Thank you Ryan, you are the best!
Saturaday, August 23, 2008, was another fun day. Scott, Brad and Amy started the day going to the auction. They have not been to it for such a long time and Amy has never been. Later that afternoon we all (Scott, me, Brad, Amy, Whitney, and Josie) went up to Snowbird for Oktoberfest. We had traditional German food, which was the reason to go. Food is always the reason. We walked around a bit and saw a yo yo champion. I don't know what that has to do with Oktoberfest but it was fun. Everyone decided to ride down the zip line. I stayed at the bottom of the mountain to take pictures. Amy even rode the zip line and didn't even cry from terror. Amy can be a bit timid when it come to fast adventure type rides but she did it and had fun. We went for an icecream treat at Sonic after we came down the mountain. We just sat an enjoyed the treat and each others company and then back home we went. It was nice to spend the evening with everyone. We sat outside and just visited with each other until the bugs began biting and drove everyone to their homes and us inside the house. I love my children!
Monday, August 25, 2008, was Josie and my first day back to school. Josie was so excited to start she went to bed the night before at 8:00 pm. That is unheard of for her. She was up and getting ready to go when I had to leave for my classes. Josie went back to South Jordan Middle School after attending Elkridge Middle the last semester of eighth grade. I am finally up to the University of Utah. I never thought I would make it. It seemed to take forever. It was a great day. I just love school so much and I think I am going to enjoy my classes this semester. I will be very busy and will need to stay organized and on top of things, but I can do it. I went back to a full-time schedule which I have not done for awhile and I am very excited. My goal is to graduate in 2 years. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I mentioned Ryan above and it is that time again to do my 10 Things so here it is:
Ten Things I Love About You...Ryan!

1. I love that you remind me of my father. He truly would have loved to have you in our family, you are so much alike.
2. I love that you love to cook. I can't wait until you come again so that you can make us dinner, only if you want.
3. I love your sense of humor. You think I don't get you but I do.
4. I love how hard you work for your family.
5. I love how you adopted Jacob like a brother. He needs men like you in his life.
6. I love how respectful and thoughtful you are toward Scott and me.
7. I love that you are patient with Josie and kid around with her. She also needs you in her life.
8. I love that you are such a great father to my grandchildren. I can see how much they love you.
9. I love that you are such a great husband to my daughter. I can see how much she loves you. Thank you for sharing her with us.
10. I love that you are such an important part of our family. You are the best son-in-law a mother could have!